Children for children - a social development initiative by the kids for their underprivileged peers
The American Embassy School Students organized a photography workshop for the underprivileged kids at our center where the underprivileged kids were taught the basics about ...  
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  Servesamman spreads it's presence to 5 more villages
We feel very happy and proud and welcome 5 new villages to Serve Samman’s family. Serve Samman in the month of April ’14 organized camps in 5 new villages mobalizing the youth...  
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  Audio- Visual medium enters Serve Samman classrooms
Servesamman introduced TVs in its vocational centers in order to make the process of learning more fun and interactive for its students. The access to the Tvs will be given to all...  
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  Eye Care
Eye care is an integral part Serve Samman. Our team members have been working tirelessly towards organizing Eye Camps ...  
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  New Courses at Serve Samman
Vocational Training is one of the main forte of Serve Samman, wherein we encourage individuals to join free courses ...  
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  Serve Samman Center, KOT, U.P.
Serve Samman is happy to announce that we have started the construction work for a Vocational Centre at Dadri.  
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construction work Serve Samman is happy to announce that we have started the construction work for a Vocational Centre at Dadri. This will facilitated accommodation of more segments of vocational courses. Such endeavors on
our part will contribute to words revolution in education.
Support Us
  Support us in a new project or ongoing initiative with your :
icon Time – become a volunteer and also involve your employees
icon Energy & Expertise – teaching, technical skills, organizing events/campaigns, etc…
icon Funding – we require both monetary funding as well as supplies/resources
(ex: trainers, computers, building space for our education centres, etc.)
All donations to Serve Samman qualify for Section 80 G exemptions under Indian Income Tax Act 1961.
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